Shucky's Kitchen

Thoughts, recipes, neat links...all sorts of things passing through a creative mind! Grab a coffee and pull up a chair!

Monday, August 23, 2004

Glass Soap (Brown Sugar Transparent Soap)

Brown Sugar Transparent Soap

1 c. Distilled water
2 oz. Lye
4 oz. Vodka
2 oz. Brown sugar
4 oz. Glycerine
10 oz. Shortening
6 oz. Coconut oil

1-1/2 c. Vodka
7 drops Bergamot EO

Dissolve lye in water.

Dissolve sugar in vodka. When completely dissolved, add glycerin and stir until well mixed. Add this mixture to the lye/water and cool to 90 degrees.

Meanwhile, melt fats and oils and cool to 95 degrees. Add lye mixture to fats and stir until trace. Pour into molds and insulate. After 2 or 3 days unmold and begin to cure it. The soap, at this stage, will probably be opaque, creamy off-white, and very soft.

One week after unmolding the soap, grate or crumble the bars into a pan and add about 1-1/2 cups of vodka to melt it. As it melts, it turns a beautiful clear brown color. Don't stir too much, and if you see any little opaque soap bits, remove them with a spoon. Heat it almost to a boil (the alcohol will burn off), repour it into the mold, let set 2 days. Unmold and let cure another 2 weeks.


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