Very Gentle Shampoo & Body Wash
Very Gentle Shampoo & Body Wash
In a 500 ml bottle (2 c.) put:2 T. pure liquid Castile soap
1 T. apple cider vinegar
1 t. Borax
water to fill
This is a very gentle product to use. You can add different things to it to make it nicer (like silk proteins, or essential oil), but remember this is not a detergent-based shampoo, but a soap.
Have some apple cider vinegar and a plastic pitcher ready, so that you can put a squirt of vinegar in the pitcher for rinse water, fill it up, and rinse your hair and body with it. This will restore the acid balance to your skin, which discourages unfriendly bacteria and viruses, as well as keep your hair shiny!
Very Helpful Tip - Another good thing about this is, it does not anaesthetize your eyes the way many detergents do, so if you ever find yourself in the position of Janet Leigh in PSYCHO, just aim your squirt bottle at Anthony Perkins and while he is momentarily deterred and groping madly for a towel, run for your life! Take the towel, leave the will then rush to you far more quickly then you ever thought possible.
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