Coating For Plastic Soap Moulds
Coating For Plastic Soap Moulds
If you are working with plastic soap moulds, especially for Melt & Pour soaps, try brushing them down with this first:1 part petroleum jelly
1 part mineral oil (pure baby oil)
Gently heat until the jelly is melted, then pour into a clean plastic bottle or jar. Actually, use a jar, because once it cools, the damned stuff just doesn't come out, then you have to find something long enough and thin enough to fit down the damned squeeze bottle...
Oops. Sorry. I forgot myself for a moment there.
This will help the soaps release when they are ready (24-48 hours for cold processed soaps, 2 hours for Melt & Pour). Bit stick 'em in the freezer for 15 minutes first, then run their little backsides under hot water...then they will pop out much more easily.
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